Application of CHATGPT in civil engineering

  • Martin Aluga Copperbelt University
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, CHATGPT, Civil Engineering, GPT, IoT, Machine Learning
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Artificial Intelligence, machine learning, and the Internet of Things (IoT) are changing the way tasks are accomplished. CHATGPT is a well-known conversational artificial intelligence (AI) system based on the generative pre-trained transformer (GPT) architecture, launched by OpenAI. CHATGPT is trained through reinforcement learning based on human feedback. There are advantages to the use of CHATGPT in Civil engineering, including but not limited to design and planning:  structural analysis and simulation, code compliance and regulations construction management, knowledge repository and information retrieval, education, and research. The limitation of CHATGPT is the bias based on the datasets used in CHATGPT training, the requirement of sufficient input information, as well as the risk of bias and transparency issues, and negative consequences if generating inaccurate content. The use of CHATGPT and other language models in civil engineering requires careful consideration to ensure not bypassing expert consultation in particular cases. Deep Learning based language models would have a positive impact on civil engineering rather than replacing human expertise and improving the infrastructure development in the world and solving challenges facing mankind


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28 June, 2023
How to Cite
Aluga, M. (2023). Application of CHATGPT in civil engineering. East African Journal of Engineering, 6(1), 104-112.