Influence of Variations in Job Description on Organizational Performance in Nyanchwa Adventist College in Kisii County, Kenya

  • Dorris Kerubo Mugoya Mount Kenya University
  • William Sagini Oribu, PhD Mount Kenya University
Keywords: Staff Recruitment, Recruitment Strategies, Organizational Performance, Employees, Job Description
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The performance of an organization is directly linked to those who work for it hence hiring unqualified staff can be costly in the long run. Nyanchwa Adventist College enrolment trend has been going down for the last five years despite the many efforts put by marketing and outreach programs to restore it. Financial performance depends on the student enrolment given that the college does not receive any external funding. The purpose of the study was to analyse the variations in staff recruitment strategies on performance at Nyanchwa Adventist College in Kisii County, Kenya. Descriptive survey design will be employed in the study. The target population will be the 158 staff and students at Nyanchwa Teachers Colleges. Stratified random sampling was  used as it covers all sections of staff and members of management that will give a sample size of 113 using the Israel formula. Both Primary and Secondary data were availed using questionnaires and interviews. The reliability for the research instruments were determined by Cronbach's alpha through Test-retest method where a value more than 0.70 was considered reliable. Validation was determined by the supervisor and data collection experts. Data was analysed using both inferential and descriptive statistics that was presented in percentage, mean, standard deviations and tables. The results obtained from the study were used to improve the recruitment process, thus reversing the declining enrolment trends in order to boost the financial base. The research findings indicate that the majority strongly agreed that the organizations’ workers are highly qualified and they understand their job descriptions, this is because there is proper supervision which helps each employee to learn and follow their job description. Variation in employee qualification on organizational performance, the result showed that the majority strongly agreed that the organization employs only qualified staff for the betterment of the organization. It is up to the management of Nyanchwa College to upgrade all employees for better productivity


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14 October, 2022
How to Cite
Mugoya, D., & Oribu, W. (2022). Influence of Variations in Job Description on Organizational Performance in Nyanchwa Adventist College in Kisii County, Kenya. East African Journal of Business and Economics, 5(1), 277-282.