The Ways in Which Village Saving and Loan Associations Have Contributed Towards Socio-Economic Empowerment of Women in Rubaya Sub County

  • Ruth Nahwera Bishop Stuart University
  • Firimoni R. Banugire Bishop Stuart University
  • Anthony Mpairwe Bishop Stuart University
Keywords: Village Saving and Loan Associations, Contribution, Socio-Economic Empowerment, Women
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The study examined the ways in which village saving and loan associations have contributed towards the socioeconomic empowerment of women in Rubaya Sub County. The researcher used a cross-sectional survey design with both quantitative and qualitative approaches to data collection and analysis. The study population consisted of members and leaders of village savings and loan associations fully registered with the community development officer in the Rubaya sub-county, village saving and loan associations trainers, and local government leaders from selected wards of Rubaya Sub County. The study used a sample of 144 respondents. Purposive and simple random sampling was used during sample selection. Questionnaires, interviews, and focus group discussions were used during data collection. Both quantitative and qualitative data analysis methods were applied. The study established that the main motives for women joining the village saving and loan associations were to save money, inculcation saving discipline, access to savings and loans as well as enjoyment of social networking with friends and other community members. It was concluded that; the women who participated in this study admitted that there is an improvement in their welfare than there was before they joined savings groups. It has put women in a position to acquire money for different activities, especially educating their children. All these benefits have been a solid channel towards empowerment. This is because it helps in the building of not only self-sufficiency but also self-confidence and esteem, hence giving women a sense of belonging in the community. It was recommended that in order to maintain the sustainability of the outcomes secured by women through village savings and loan associations and to provide capacity-building training related to their activities. It is necessary to provide demand-oriented and timely training by either government or nongovernmental organisations, particularly on saving, business skills, entrepreneurship, and bookkeeping which are basic to the associations and income-generating activities


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13 October, 2022
How to Cite
Nahwera, R., Banugire, F., & Mpairwe, A. (2022). The Ways in Which Village Saving and Loan Associations Have Contributed Towards Socio-Economic Empowerment of Women in Rubaya Sub County. East African Journal of Business and Economics, 5(1), 269-276.