Knowledge Processing Capability and Business Sustainability of Mobile Telecommunication Firms in Kenya

  • Joy Kibor Kenyatta University
  • Morrisson Mutuku, PhD Kenyatta University
  • Joshua Tumuti, PhD Kenyatta University


Mobile telecommunication firms in Kenya operate in a dynamic and highly competitive business environment. This may be attributed to innovativeness, emerging technologies, and rapid changes in consumer consumption patterns. This has necessitated firms in this sector to develop strategies to remain competitive and sustainable. Therefore, this paper sought to assess Knowledge Processing Capability's influence on the sustainability of mobile telecommunication firms in Kenya. The study's variables were anchored on Knowledge-Based View (KBV) theory and adopted a descriptive, explanatory research design. The study targeted three mobile telecommunication firms with an accessible population of 1,177 employees. The study relied on stratified random sampling techniques to select 299 respondents. Primary data was obtained through a semi-structured questionnaire. Data were analysed by the use of descriptive and inferential statistics. The findings revealed a significant positive relationship between knowledge processing capability and sustainability of the mobile telecommunication companies in Kenya.




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17 August, 2022

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