Assessing the Influence of Product Quality Differentiation Strategies on Performance of Car Hire Businesses in Kisii Town, Kenya

  • Daisy Abwanda Kombo Mount Kenya University
  • Richard Nyangosi, PhD Mount Kenya University
Keywords: Product Quality, Product, Differentiation, Car Hire
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The necessity to remain competitive as a result of changes in clients’ needs has been a key preserve of most car hire businesses whereas in the service industry, launching and enhancing new products and services is a clear way of retaining and attracting new customers. Thus, the purpose of the study was to assess the influence of differentiation strategies on the performance of car hire businesses in Kisii town. The information that was to be provided by this research is likely to be of benefit to policymakers, community members, and academicians. It adopted a descriptive survey research design with a target population of 38 employees of car hire businesses in Kisii town. The researcher collected data using questionnaires, interviews, observation, and document analysis. Piloting was done in Kenyanya Sub-County, the instruments were validated by the supervisors and reliability was determined through the test rest method; thereafter Cronbach alpha coefficients were determined using 0.7 reliability. Quantitative data was analysed using descriptive statistics and presented in tables. The study established that Care hire organisations should strive to enhance product differentiation by coming up with unique product features that would suit the consumer needs, car hire firms should seek to ensure that their products are trustworthy and dependable to their client base. This way, clients will begin to depend on your services, thus creating customer loyalty. The study recommends that organisations should invest in research and development to ensure before a new product is rolled out, adequate research is carried out so that the end product is able to sustain the emerging client needs.


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17 June, 2022
How to Cite
Kombo, D., & Nyangosi, R. (2022). Assessing the Influence of Product Quality Differentiation Strategies on Performance of Car Hire Businesses in Kisii Town, Kenya. East African Journal of Business and Economics, 5(1), 211-219.