Determinants of Turnover Intention: The Case of Ministry of Federal and Pastoralist Development Affairs in Ethiopia

  • Halefom Abay Ayele SungKyunKwan University
Keywords: Turnover, Turnover Intention, Organizational Justice, Pay Satisfaction, Person Organization Fit, Social Network, Performance Appraisal Politics, Ministry of Federal, Pastoralist Development Affairs, Ethiopia
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Turnover is when a member of an organization leaves his or her organization willingly. On the other hand, turnover intention is the prevalence of thoughts of an employee and strength of the tendency to leave a current job. Employee retention is one of the challenges facing several organizations all over the world. It is profitable to proactively react to possible staff turnover intentions. Ministry of Federal and Pastoralist Development Affairs is one of the core organizations of the executive body of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. For the last six years, 300 new employees joined the organization replacing the exit which is almost equal to the total position of the organization. Even though the problem exists, there is a lack of scientific studies which can show the cause and recommends possible solutions towards the issue. Identifying the determinants of turnover intention is the main purpose of this study. The online survey questionnaire was administered to more than 150 members of the staff using their email and social media accounts using the purposive and snowball sampling technique. 101 valid responses were collected from Sept. 9, 2018, to Oct. 17, 2018. In analysing the data SPSS software and AMOS were used and the result shows that organizational justice, pay satisfaction, person-organization fit and performance appraisal politics has strong statistical relation with turnover intention in the Ministry. From the socio-demographic characteristics, years of service have strong statistical relation with turnover intention. Theoretical and practical implications were also drawn from the result of this study.


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18 April, 2022
How to Cite
Ayele, H. (2022). Determinants of Turnover Intention: The Case of Ministry of Federal and Pastoralist Development Affairs in Ethiopia. East African Journal of Business and Economics, 5(1), 164-186.