“Eastern Guanxi” and “Western Relationship Marketing” Cultures Meet in Tanzania Business Environment

  • Samuel Hudson Mrisha Mzumbe University
Keywords: Relationship Marketing, Guanxi, Business Environment, Tanzania, China
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Relationship marketing (RM) is a widely applicable concept in the corporate world. Recently, the Chinese version of RM called guanxi has also gained considerable attention from practitioners and business stakeholders. However, research on the interaction of the two concepts is quite under-researched, particularly in developing countries. This article intends to fill this gap by exploring the application of relationship marketing and guanxi concepts in the Tanzanian business environment and how the concepts have changed the Tanzanian business environment. Findings indicate that China is utilizing guanxi and is gaining the upper hand over the counterparts who are using relationship marketing. China through guanxi has managed to penetrate the Tanzanian market to become the dominant trading partner surpassing the western superpowers.


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25 March, 2022
How to Cite
Mrisha, S. (2022). “Eastern Guanxi” and “Western Relationship Marketing” Cultures Meet in Tanzania Business Environment. East African Journal of Business and Economics, 5(1), 99-112. https://doi.org/10.37284/eajbe.5.1.595