Influence of Green Recruitment and Selection on Sustainability of Selected Tea Factories in Kericho Highlands Region, Kenya

  • Towett Joseah Kiplangat University of Kabianga
  • Hellen Sang, PhD University of Kabianga
  • Paul Kingori, PhD University of Kabianga
Keywords: Green Recruitment, Green Selection, Green Human Resource Management, Sustainability of Tea Factories
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The focus of this study was to assess the influence of green recruitment and selection on the sustainability of selected tea factories in Kericho Highlands region, Kenya. The study was anchored on human capital theory. It adopted a correlational research design, with a targeted population of 915 respondents drawn from tea factories in the Kericho highlands region. A sample size of 278 respondents was determined scientifically using the Yamane taro formula. Primary data was collected using a structured questionnaire. The validity of the research was checked together with the supervisors and subject experts, while instrument reliability was determined through Cronbach's alpha coefficient, where a coefficient of 0.7987 was obtained. Descriptive statistics and regression analysis was used to analyse data. The findings established a significant positive relationship between green recruitment and selection and the sustainability of the tea factories. The study concluded that green recruitment and selection influenced the sustainability of the factories.


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10 January, 2022
How to Cite
Kiplangat, T., Sang, H., & Kingori, P. (2022). Influence of Green Recruitment and Selection on Sustainability of Selected Tea Factories in Kericho Highlands Region, Kenya. East African Journal of Business and Economics, 5(1), 1-10.