The Determinants of Household Spending on Alcohol and Tobacco in Tanzania

  • Stephen Richard Mwaisakila Universitas Indonesia
  • Vid Adrison, PhD Universitas Indonesia
Keywords: Alcohol, Determinants, Household, Spending, Tobacco
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The increasing effects caused by alcohol and tobacco calls for necessary interventions. This is not only in developed countries, but also in developing countries which seems to be affected more by this problem. Studies show that 80% of smokers worldwide are living in developing countries where tobacco related diseases have become major factors contributing toward high morbidity. Moreover, excessive alcohol consumption has been among global public health problems, where it accounts for about 6% of mortality and 5% of disability in the world. In addition, the prevalence of Alcohol Use Disorders (AUD) was reported at 4% globally while in Africa it was 3%. Tanzania being the developing country and located in Africa is also at risk to be affected more if the necessary measures to control this unhealthy behaviour are not taken. However, due to limited information about the structure and behaviour of people in spending and consumption of these addictive products in Tanzania, it will be difficult to prepare relevant measures to curb those problems. Therefore, by using Tobit regression model, this study examined the influence of socioeconomic characteristics on alcohol and tobacco spending. This study found factors such income, culture, and change in preference over time to have a significant relationship with spending on alcohol and tobacco. This study creates a base for alcohol and tobacco spending behaviour in Tanzania. After determining spending behaviour, further studies need to be conducted to examine consumption behaviour and its effects to prepare relevant measures to control the risks of alcohol and tobacco in Tanzania.


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23 September, 2021
How to Cite
Mwaisakila, S., & Adrison, V. (2021). The Determinants of Household Spending on Alcohol and Tobacco in Tanzania. East African Journal of Business and Economics, 3(1), 173-186.