Clients Perception of the Role of Marketing Strategies on Profitability of Savings and Credits Cooperative Societies (SACCOS) in Dodoma City, Tanzania

  • Tobesi Matiku Ministry of Finance and Planning
  • Joseph Magali, PhD Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Business Management


This study assessed the clients’ perception of the role of marketing strategies on the profitability of SACCOS in Dodoma city, Tanzania. The study specifically examined the influence of product, service delivery, price, promotion, and place strategies on the profitability of SACCOS. This study used the descriptive and explanatory design where the regression analysis was used to determine the relationship between the marketing strategies and profitability of SACCOS. The information was collected from the 112 clients of SACCOS using the systematic sampling technique. Data were collected through a questionnaire and were analysed by Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS). The findings revealed that clients perceived that the product, service delivery, pricing and place strategies influenced negatively and significantly the profitability of SACCOS in Dodoma City. Therefore, this study recommends that the SACCOS management continue improving the marketing strategies tools for sustainable profitability of SACCOS in Dodoma City.




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8 June, 2021