Project Implementation, Risk Management Practices and Project Success

  • Joash Watema Makerere University
  • John Tulirinya Busitema University
Keywords: Project Implementation, Risk Management Practices, Project Success
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The study aimed to establish the relationship between project implementation, risk management practices and project success for projects implemented by NGOs in Iganga Municipality. The study used a quantitative, correlational and cross-sectional survey design. The sample consisted of 117 respondents who included project managers, their assistants, and accountants of 45 projects implemented by NGOs in Iganga Municipality. Data was collected using a self-administered questionnaire and analysed using statistical packages for social scientists (SPSS). This study discusses project implementation and risk management practices as the issues involved in project success and or failure. The study concluded that project implementation and risk management practices were significant in improving project success. This study recommended that NGOs in Iganga Municipality need to put much emphasis on project implementation and risk management practices as a way of improving project success as their correlation is significant.


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12 March, 2021
How to Cite
Watema, J., & Tulirinya, J. (2021). Project Implementation, Risk Management Practices and Project Success. East African Journal of Business and Economics, 3(1), 36 - 50.