Views of the Kenyan Construction Industry Players Regarding the Impact of Resource Planning and Leveling on Construction Project Performance

  • Shadrack Mutungi Simon Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
Keywords: Resource Planning, Resource Leveling, Performance, Kenya, Contractors
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The successful completion and performance of a construction process is pegged on three basic performance parameters which have evolved to be regarded as the three pillars of any successful construction project. These include finishing the project within budget and schedule without compromising on the desired quality. It is however important to note that these factors are all affected by the level of resource management within the project. Questionnaires were used to collect both quantitative and qualitative data from contractors who were chosen randomly. Out of 106 questionnaires distributed, 81 were received back by the researcher. This represented a response rate of 76%. An overwhelming majority of contractors in the country shared a similar opinion that Resource Planning and Leveling (RP&L) contributes to reduced cost of a project, reduced completion period of a project and improved quality of a project. This means that RP&L generally contributes to the improved performance of construction projects. Qualitative data obtained from open-ended questions were analysed thematically. A total of 97 possible solutions were suggested by respondents as solutions to overcoming challenges associated with RP&L. These solutions were grouped into a number of themes namely: technical (52%); financial, (3%); resource management, (7%); project planning and control, (14%); top management involvement, (7%); communication, (3%) and others, (13%). 98% of the contractors suggested that RP&L was a contributor to project success. The remaining 2% claimed that it could both be a contributor and hindrance depending on how it was carried out. Contractors proposed different ways in which RP&L could contribute to project success. These were also analysed thematically under the following topical areas: scope management (6%); schedule management (28%); cost management (14%); quality management (3%); integration management (1%); stakeholder management (1%); risk management (7%); resource management (23%) and others (16%).


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5 March, 2021
How to Cite
Simon, S. (2021). Views of the Kenyan Construction Industry Players Regarding the Impact of Resource Planning and Leveling on Construction Project Performance. East African Journal of Business and Economics, 3(1), 28-35.