Electronic Ordering and its Effect on Tendering Process Efficiency in Public Universities in Kenya

  • Ali Dika Wako Murang’a University of Technology
  • Evans Biraori Oteki Murang’a University of Technology
  • Isaiah Ochieng Abillah Murang’a University of Technology
Keywords: Efficiency, Electronic Ordering, Processes, Public Universities, Tendering
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E-procurement, indicated as an emerging trend in procurement, promises various benefits including cost reduction, improved efficiency, and transparency. However, its uptake and effectiveness within the tendering processes of public institutions in Kenya have been limited. The purpose of the study was to analyze the adoption of electronic ordering and its effect on tendering process efficiency in public universities in Kenya. The study was grounded on the Technology Acceptance Model. The study applied a descriptive research design. The population of the study was 136 employees of thirty-four public universities in Kenya. Slovin's formula was used to determine a sample size of 102 respondents and purposive sampling was employed to select three respondents from each university targeting Heads of Procurement, Finance, and ICT departments because they are responsible for handling the University's day-to-day procurement tasks and ensuring compliance with procurement policies, will constitute the targeted population. They regularly engage with procurement systems and play a key role in managing electronic procurement matters for the University. To assess the reliability of the questionnaire, the researcher applied Cronbach's Alpha formula.  Primary data was collected by a structured questionnaire employing a five-point Likert scale. Subsequently, the data was coded and analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) for descriptive and inferential statistical, and the findings were presented in tables. The results indicated that electronic ordering was found to be statistically significant in predicting tender process effectiveness, with a p-value of 0.000. The study recommends that to enhance the effectiveness of electronic ordering systems, institutions should allocate resources toward training and capacity-building initiatives for individuals involved in procurement activities.


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23 July, 2024
How to Cite
Wako, A., Oteki, E., & Abillah, I. (2024). Electronic Ordering and its Effect on Tendering Process Efficiency in Public Universities in Kenya. East African Journal of Business and Economics, 7(1), 341-355. https://doi.org/10.37284/eajbe.7.1.2053