From Reform to Resurgence on Somalia's Journey to Economic Stability and Global Confidence

  • Mohamed Hassan Mohamed, PhD International Islamic University Malaysia
Keywords: Resilience, Economic Stability, Resurgence, Global Confidence
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Examining Somalia's journey from political instability to economic recovery, this analysis focuses on the significant impact of recent efforts to relieve the country's debt burden. A major achievement was Somalia's successful inclusion in the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) initiative, which granted the nation relief from repaying its debts. This article aims to explore the complex landscape, thoroughly examining the essential role of debt relief. It dissects the factors contributing to economic stability, evaluates the newfound global confidence, analyses elements enhancing investor appeal, and navigates the challenges and opportunities defining the nation's economic resurgence. The challenges arising from the debt write-off include the effective implementation of economic reforms, managing heightened expectations, and addressing the persistent historical political instability that requires ongoing attention. Despite these challenges, opportunities emerge, providing Somalia with the chance to strategically reallocate resources to vital sectors, enhance its attractiveness to investors, and engage in potential global collaborations. This exploration concludes by outlining policy implications for Somalia's policymakers. It emphasizes the importance of sustainable economic reforms, initiatives promoting political stability, prudent resource allocation, the implementation of investor-friendly policies, active participation in international collaborations, and targeted efforts to promote investment. Addressing these policy implications could empower Somalia to transform challenges into catalysts for sustained economic growth and development, charting a course toward a prosperous and resilient future


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5 April, 2024
How to Cite
Mohamed, M. (2024). From Reform to Resurgence on Somalia’s Journey to Economic Stability and Global Confidence. East African Journal of Business and Economics, 7(1), 99-106.