Factors Influencing Children with Mental Impairment in Acquiring Quality Primary School Education in Singida Municipality, Tanzania

  • Theodorah Mtendah Jordan University College
  • Vincent Lema Jordan University College
Keywords: Low-Income Families, Excel Academically, Poverty, School, Students
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This study investigated the factors influencing children with mental impairment in acquiring quality primary education in Singida Municipality. Specific objectives were to determine the availability of specialist teachers to help pupils with mental impairment as to acquire quality primary education, to examine the availability of teaching and learning materials for teaching children with mental impairment, and to determine the perception of regular /ordinary teachers towards helping children with mental impairment in acquiring quality primary education. A descriptive type of research and a mixed research approach was used in this study. The study found that primary schools in the study area have specialised teachers for mentally impaired children, but they are not given training from time to time. It was further found that it is inadequate teaching and learning materials that hinder the provision of quality education for children with mental impairment. The study also revealed that the parents were not fully supporting children with mental impairment in acquiring quality education. The study however found that regular teachers were supporting in ensuring the provision of quality education for children with mental impairment in the study area. The study concluded that there is a problem with adequate teaching and learning materials for children with mental impairment in primary schools in the study area. This hinders the provision of quality education. Parents still lag behind in supporting children with mental impairment in primary schools to acquire quality education through failure to provide all the required learning materials and failure to make follow-ups on the academic progress of their children.


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7 November, 2022
How to Cite
Mtendah, T., & Lema, V. (2022). Factors Influencing Children with Mental Impairment in Acquiring Quality Primary School Education in Singida Municipality, Tanzania. East African Journal of Arts and Social Sciences, 5(2), 118-128. https://doi.org/10.37284/eajass.5.2.937