Assessing the Expeditiousness of Existing Strategies for Preventing and Countering Youth Radicalization through Prison’s Aspect of Criminal Justice System in Isiolo County, Kenya

  • James Francis Otieno Olwenyo Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology
  • Erick Onyango Ater, PhD Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology
Keywords: Youth Radicalization, Criminal Justice System, Prisons
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This study investigated the expeditiousness of existing strategies for preventing and countering youth radicalization through the Prisons aspect of the criminal justice system in Isiolo County, Kenya. This study was premised on three theories: frustration-aggression theory, rational choice theory, and criminal justice theory. The study area was Isiolo County. Isiolo County is located almost in the centre of the country, 285 km north of Nairobi. Its capital, Isiolo Town, lies along the main highways leading to both Moyale, Ethiopia, and to Somalia. Though Islam and Christianity are practiced in Isiolo County, the inhabitants are largely Muslim. The county is mostly arid with some semi-arid areas, economically poor and marginal. The study focused on Isiolo, Merit, and Garbatulla sub-counties. Additionally, the study was underpinned by a descriptive survey research design. The sample size was composed of 287 households, remandees and mainstream prisoners, key informants, youth returnees, and radicalized and extremist youths. The sampling strategies that were used included, simple random sampling, purposive sampling for key informants, and snowballing for youth returnees and radicalized as well as extremist youths. Data was collected through questionnaires, focus group discussions, and key informant interviews. Quantitative data was analysed through the statistical package for Social Science (SPSS) tool version 24 where descriptive and inferential statistics were generated while qualitative data was analysed using content analysis with themes generated through verbatim triangulation. The findings were presented in form of tables, pie charts, and graphs. In line with the study objective, the study concludes that the existing strategies have not been effective despite concerted efforts to employ them and counter youth radicalization in Isiolo County. The study recommends that new strategies be adopted to reinforce the existing ones to prevent the escalation of youth radicalization within prison cells


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14 October, 2022
How to Cite
Olwenyo, J., & Ater, E. (2022). Assessing the Expeditiousness of Existing Strategies for Preventing and Countering Youth Radicalization through Prison’s Aspect of Criminal Justice System in Isiolo County, Kenya. East African Journal of Arts and Social Sciences, 5(2), 58-81.