Understanding the Architecture, Benefits, and Shortcoming of Cloud-Based Services

  • Justin Mulwa Machakos University
Keywords: Cloud Computing, Cybersecurity, Information, Cloud Based Services
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With the inception of internet technology, information and communication industry has extensively been advanced. Cloud computing technology is on the reckoning force in ICT and an indispensable tool used in the daily operations of organizations and institutions. Many corporations are striving to ensure their services and information is cloud-based as the tech makes operations more efficient. The primary objective of this paper shall be to evaluate the architecture of cloud-based systems, the challenges, and remedies to cybersecurity and privacy issues among other uncertainties associated with the technology.


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26 September, 2019
How to Cite
Mulwa, J. (2019). Understanding the Architecture, Benefits, and Shortcoming of Cloud-Based Services. East African Journal of Arts and Social Sciences, 1(1), 22-27. Retrieved from https://journals.eanso.org/index.php/eajass/article/view/85