Factors Influencing Public University’s Role in Community Transformation

  • Adebua Asaf Gulu University
  • Oriangi George Gulu University
  • Edekebon Elaijah Gulu University
  • Ezati Akullu Betty Makerere University
  • Amone Charles Kyambogo University
Keywords: University, Contribution, Factors, Influence, Community-Transformation
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Paucity of knowledge exists on the factors that influence the capacity of universities to transform communities, particularly in the Ugandan context. This study examined the internal factors that influence the capacity of Gulu University to contribute to community transformation in Gulu City in Northern Uganda. A cross-sectional study design was used while employing self-administered questionnaire to sample 390 households. Logistic regression model was used to evaluate the influence of internal factors on Gulu University’s role in transforming the surrounding communities. Findings revealed that scholarships by the university (p=.000), enterprises developed within the community through Gulu University’s engagement (p=.007), religious meetings for spiritual transformation (p=.036), and the teaching done at the university (p=.045) had a statistically significant influence on the university’s role in transforming the surrounding community in Gulu city. The study concludes that universities, the central government, and other stakeholders need to focus more on scholarships for further education, enterprise development, supporting the church, and teaching in the university to realise multiplied transformation of the surrounding communities


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17 July, 2024
How to Cite
Asaf, A., George, O., Elaijah, E., Betty, E., & Charles, A. (2024). Factors Influencing Public University’s Role in Community Transformation. East African Journal of Arts and Social Sciences, 7(1), 412-419. https://doi.org/10.37284/eajass.7.1.2050