When Will It Be Our Turn to Lead? An Evaluation of Women's Perceptions on Barriers to Access the Top Positions in Educational Institutions' Leadership in Kenya

  • Nason Vundi St. Paul’s University
Sambaza Makala:


This study evaluated women's perceptions of barriers to accessing the top positions in organisations' leadership in Kenya. The study had 3 specific objectives: to determine the women leaders' perceptions of the barriers to accessing top organisational leadership in Kenya; to establish how much support women leaders get in their attempt to access top organisational leadership in Kenya; to investigate the barriers women leaders face in their attempt to access top organisational leadership positions in Kenya. The research was a descriptive study preferred because it provides a comprehensive and accurate picture of the study subjects and to describe the inherent relationships, patterns, and trends demonstrated by the data analysed. The study findings were: women progression to top offices has not been easy, for example over 55% of the female Deputy Principals had stagnated for over 10 years in the same position without promotion. According to the study, about 22% of the respondents blamed patriarchy and gender stereotypes for their lack of promotion. Finally, the study found that family roles remains critical for the respondents. For example, 44% feared that promotion may result being sent far from home, while 39% did not apply for promotions due to family roles


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Tarehe ya Uchapishaji
10 May, 2024
Jinsi ya Kunukuu
Vundi, N. (2024). When Will It Be Our Turn to Lead? An Evaluation of Women’s Perceptions on Barriers to Access the Top Positions in Educational Institutions’ Leadership in Kenya. East African Journal of Arts and Social Sciences, 7(1), 292-303. https://doi.org/10.37284/eajass.7.1.1917