Perspectives and Practices of Constructive Journalism in Mainland Tanzania

  • Dotto Emmanuel Bulendu Communication University of China
  • Zhang Yanqiu, PhD Communication University of China
Keywords: Constructive Journalism, Negativity, Positivity
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This article offers a comprehensive examination of constructive journalism practices on the Tanzanian mainland, with the primary goal of redefining news framing. By analyzing the interplay between negativity and positivity in news coverage, the study explores its execution and its impact on news consumers. The research methodology encompasses a survey involving 169 respondents, complemented by in-depth interviews and focus group discussions with 30 participants. Furthermore, an extensive analysis of 240 news items from eight media outlets scrutinizes editorial perspectives on news framing and presentation, particularly the integration of negative and positive elements. The findings uncover a notable dissonance: while the media and journalists predominantly gravitate towards negative narratives, the audience clearly prefers positive content. These results underscore the urgency for Tanzanian media and journalists to reevaluate their approach to defining news and their portrayal of it, emphasizing the imperative for a more balanced and constructive narrative


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4 May, 2024
How to Cite
Bulendu, D., & Yanqiu, Z. (2024). Perspectives and Practices of Constructive Journalism in Mainland Tanzania. East African Journal of Arts and Social Sciences, 7(1), 274-284.