Land and Conflict in Qardho District: Study of the Root Causes and Solutions

  • Mohamud Isse Yusuf East Africa University
  • Ahmed Ali Yusuf Sadaal Research and Development Center
  • Salad Ahmed Halane Save the Children International
  • Hassan Ahmed Hussein East Africa University
Keywords: Land, Conflict, Socioeconomic, Local Government, Land Use
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Land conflict poses a significant challenge to sustainable development and peace in many districts, including the Qardho district of Puntland state, Somalia. This paper explores the root causes, effects, and potential solutions to land conflict in the Qardho district. The study was guided by three objectives, which included, A) To assess the root causes of land conflict in the Qardho district, B) To investigate the effects of land conflict in the Qardho district, and C) To propose possible solutions to the land conflict in the Qardho district. A total of 399 interviews and ten key informant interviews were conducted to gather insights from various stakeholders, including local council members, land brokers, court judiciaries, and community groups. Quantitative and qualitative research designs were both used in this study. Significant demographic characteristics of the research respondents indicate that 51.88% were male and 48.12% were female. This data presents the distribution of respondents across different age groups. The majority of respondents (61.15%) fall within the age range of 31 to 40 years, indicating a significant presence of individuals in this demographic category. Additionally, a substantial proportion of respondents (15.54%) belong to the 21-30 age group. The remaining respondents are distributed across older age categories, with 10.78% aged 51-60 years, 7.52% above 60 years, and a smaller proportion (5.01%) falling within the 41-50 age range. Overall, the data reflects a diverse age composition among the respondents, with a notable concentration in the 31-40 age group. The findings reveal that private land ownership, lack of a land registration system, weak institutional capacity, and ineffective regulations are among the primary causes of land conflict in Qardho. These conflicts manifest in various adverse effects, including mistrust among communities, clan conflicts, hindrance to investment and development, and exacerbation of natural disasters' impacts. Respondents proposed several solutions to address land conflict, such as implementing a land registration system, strengthening government institutions, utilizing geographical information systems, and fostering cooperation between local government and courts. These findings provide valuable insights for policymakers, local authorities, and stakeholders to develop effective strategies for resolving land conflicts and promoting sustainable development in the Qardho district and similar contexts


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1 May, 2024
How to Cite
Yusuf, M., Yusuf, A., Halane, S., & Hussein, H. (2024). Land and Conflict in Qardho District: Study of the Root Causes and Solutions. East African Journal of Arts and Social Sciences, 7(1), 262-273.