The Evolution of Community Development thorough Ubuntu Perspective in Tanzania

  • Meinrad Haule Lembuka The Open University of Tanzania
Keywords: African Socialism, Community Development, Ubuntu, Ujamaa Model
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Through the lens of Ubuntu, this study examines the historical development of community development practices in Tanzania's mainland from prehistoric and post-colonial periods to the present. By utilising a literature review technique and secondary data in addition to the author's personal observations, the study provides insights on indigenous community development practices. The analysis explores the contextual understanding of community and community development in relation to post-Arusha Declaration of 1967 through Ujamaa policy and Ubuntu of pre-colonial Tanzania. One of the tenets of Ubuntu, Ujamaa evolved into a human-centered approach to community and national development. According to the study, Tanzanian communities are dynamic and change over time as a result of their experiences, history, environment, conscious efforts, and shared vision. Tanzania's history of community development dates back to the pre-colonial era, when the Ubuntu idea and group support networks were prevalent. On Tanzania's mainland, colonialism brought in Western-style community development. After independence, however, traditional African methods were revived, with an emphasis on community participation in social, political, cultural, and economic spheres. Ubuntu and Ujamaa go hand in hand, but they have also been successful in helping the community's members develop a sense of unity and shared responsibility that has allowed them to work together towards shared objectives and support one another through trying times. This has had a positive effect on the nation's modern community development, and the government is still committed to upholding other Ubuntu values that are essential for fostering an environment that is supportive of community development initiatives. The comparable viewpoint is reflected in the presence of community development officers in every community. Reviewing community development policies, indigenizing training, developing competency-based curricula, and incorporating the African Ubuntu model are among the recommendations made by this study for community development


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17 April, 2024
How to Cite
Lembuka, M. (2024). The Evolution of Community Development thorough Ubuntu Perspective in Tanzania. East African Journal of Arts and Social Sciences, 7(1), 219-231.