Choice and Use of Sangu Language Among Sangu Speakers of Mbarali Mbeya Region, Tanzania

  • Helena Gabriel Institute of Judicial Administration Lushoto
Keywords: Sangu, Language Choice, Domains of use, Language Endangerment, Swahili
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This article aims to analyse the domains of language choice and use of the Sangu language among Sangu speakers in Tanzania in relation to its endangerment. The study used quantitative approach to assess the four domains of sangu language of home/family, religion, market, and traditional functions. The study was guided by domain analysis theoretical framework by Fishman (1972). Data were collected through questionnaire method from 50 Sangu speakers and were computed and analyzed quantitatively by the assistance of SPSS programme. The research outcomes portrays the domination of Swahili, the national language in almost all domains along with a noticeable interference of it in the intimate domains of Sangu language use. The choice and use of Sangu language have turned out to be minimal in almost all domains. The research results points towards one conclusion that Sangu language is in the danger of disappearing because the presence of Swahili in the intimate domain indicates that the coming generations will lack intergeneration language transmission and become endangered


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18 February, 2024
How to Cite
Gabriel, H. (2024). Choice and Use of Sangu Language Among Sangu Speakers of Mbarali Mbeya Region, Tanzania. East African Journal of Arts and Social Sciences, 7(1), 62-73.