Ascertaining the Influence of Government Dynamics on Juvenile Criminality in Nakuru Sub-County, Kenya

  • Justus Odongo Kiche Mount Kenya University
Keywords: Government Dynamics, Crime, Juvenile, Juvenile Criminality, Urban, Nakuru, Kenya
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The issue of juveniles engaging in criminality is rampant and it is considered as one of the problems and concerns in Nakuru County Kenya. The study focused on ascertaining the influence of government dynamics on juvenile criminality in the Nakuru sub-county, Kenya. The target population was 144 individuals that included 73 police officers from Bondeni police station, 35 juveniles drawn from children remand home, 35 parents/guardians of the said juveniles, and one chief from Bondeni location. The researcher selected a sample size of 102 respondents composed of 62 police officers, 32 juveniles, seven parents/guardians, and one chief. The researcher used a questionnaire and an interview schedule to collect data. The validity of this study was achieved through a thorough consultation with the supervisors and other specialists. Reliability was used to focus on the degree to which empirical indicators are stable and consistent. A Cronbach’s coefficient alpha was used to measure the reliability of the research instruments. An alpha coefficient value of 0.7 suggested the instrument is reliable. The study adopted the mixed research methodology and the concurrent triangulation design. Quantitative data were analysed descriptively, while qualitative data was analysed thematically. The study found out that there was a positive association between all the measures of government dynamics and juvenile criminality in Nakuru sub-county. The government dynamics that I focused on included: Government policy, Government support, and Government partnership with other stakeholders. The study concluded that there was an influence of government dynamics and juvenile criminality in Nakuru sub-county, Kenya. The study recommends that the government should make efforts to encourage positive partnerships with other stakeholders in order to reduce juvenile criminality. Therefore, there is a need for the juvenile department to improve its policies and expected performance in regard to juvenile criminality.


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1 April, 2020
How to Cite
Kiche, J. (2020). Ascertaining the Influence of Government Dynamics on Juvenile Criminality in Nakuru Sub-County, Kenya. East African Journal of Arts and Social Sciences, 2(1), 1-7.