Vulnerability of the Pteridoflora Towards Climate Change in the West Albertine Rift: Case of the Mountain’s Stages of the Kahuzi-Biega National Park in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

  • Jean De Dieu Mangambu Mokoso Université de Officielle de Bukavu
  • Fundiko Cakupewa Marie Université du Cinquantenaire de Lwiro
  • Honorine Ntahobavuka Habimana Université de Kisangani
  • Josué Aruna Sefu Institut Supérieur de Développement Rural de Kindu
  • Idrissa Assumani Zabo Université Pédagogique Nationale de Kinshasa
  • Francine Kirongozi Botelanyele Université de Kisangani
  • Katusi Lomalisa Roger Université de Kisangani
Keywords: Vulnerability of Lycophytes and Ferns, Forest Structures, Bio-Indicators, Climate Changes
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The present article aims at analysing the floristic composition of Lycophytes and Ferns to test the disturbances on the vegetation structure occurring in the mountains zones of the Kahuzi-Biega National Park (KBNP), further, to prove/underline the main threat and the vulnerability which actually is impacting the biodiversity in the mountains of the Western Albertine Rift due to climate changes and resulting in habitat loss as well as result of anthropogenic activities. The KBNP is located at the crossroad of the phytogeography regions of the Guinea-Congolese and Afromontane between 650 to 3326 m of altitude. During 10 years, we conducted comparison studies in the habitats (disturbed and undisturbed) encountered on the vegetation that scales between 1250 à 3300 m of altitude in 30 plots, 15 transects on a one kilometre. The results obtained reveal a variation in the flora composition within the three stages. The difference in the height, the diametric distribution (trees and shrubs) as well as the presence of Pteridophytes between undisturbed and disturbed habitats is highly significant within the 10 years’ observations. In stable and mature parcels, Pteridophytes constitute a very rich, diversified and stable population. Permanent threat manifested through the fragility of the habitats and is further translated by a modification of the floristic composition of the canopy, and sometimes trough the taming of the undergrowth in disturbed parcels. The mountainous part of the KBNP might probably constitute a climatic refuge for Pteridophytes in the Albertine Rift considering their diversity. Furthermore, considering these adaptations, the diversity and the specificity of the biotopes occupied, as well as the bioecological services recognized to Lycophytes and Ferns, they are the real markers for bioindicators of the delicatessen towards climate changes observed in the western rift Albertine. However, anthropogenic effects and sometimes, natural hazards resulting in this protected area, may also constitute a source of vulnerability for Pteridophytes


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10 May, 2024
How to Cite
Mokoso, J. D. D., Marie, F., Habimana, H., Sefu, J., Zabo, I., Botelanyele, F., & Roger, K. (2024). Vulnerability of the Pteridoflora Towards Climate Change in the West Albertine Rift: Case of the Mountain’s Stages of the Kahuzi-Biega National Park in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. African Journal of Climate Change and Resource Sustainability, 3(1), 116-149.