Climate Variability Adaptation Strategies Used by Small-Scale Maize Farmers in Uasin Gishu County, Kenya

  • Temina Arivitsa Busolo Kenyatta University
  • Michael K. Koech Kenyatta University
  • Evelyn Wemali Kenyatta University
Keywords: Adaptation, Climate Variability, Food Security
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The agricultural industry is threatened by climate variability due to its over-reliance on climatic conditions. Maize production faces similar threats due to its sensitivity to climate variations and changes in weather patterns, specifically rainfall and temperature. Increased temperatures, rainfall variability, and heightened frequency of climate extremes, such as long periods of drought, were found to have a significant impact on Kenya’s maize production. This study therefore sought to identify climate variability adaptation strategies used by small-scale maize farmers in Uasin Gishu County, Kenya, to curb the effects of climate variability on maize yield. The study adopted a descriptive survey design where questionnaires were administered to 394 household heads. The results show some farmers chose different adaptation strategies to lessen the impact of climate variability on maize yield, while others stuck to their original methods of farming. Changing crop varieties and changing planting dates were the highly opted-for adaptation strategies, while dry planting, irrigation farming, planting drought-tolerant crops and soil moisture conservation techniques were the least opted-for adaptation strategies. Socioeconomic factors such as land size, education level, age, gender and marital status had a strong influence on the choice of utilisation of various adaptation strategies. So as to curb the adverse outcomes of climate variability and empower small-scale maize farmers, the study recommended proper education on diverse adaptation methods, access to accurate climate data for proper adjustment to planting dates, sensitization on different crop varieties as well as access to financial resources to promote practices like irrigation farming


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29 August, 2023
How to Cite
Busolo, T., Koech, M., & Wemali, E. (2023). Climate Variability Adaptation Strategies Used by Small-Scale Maize Farmers in Uasin Gishu County, Kenya. African Journal of Climate Change and Resource Sustainability, 2(1), 153-170.