Contribution of Dry Spell Adaptation Technologies to Crop Productivity in Isingiro Town Council, Isingiro District, Uganda

  • Bwengye Emmanuel Bishop Stuart University
  • Tumwesigye Wycliff Bishop Stuart University
  • Nagawa M. Goretty Bishop Stuart University
Keywords: Extended Dry spell, Extended Dry Spell Adaptation Technologies (EDSATs), Soil and Water Conservation, Soil fertility, Crop productivity
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Extended Dry Spell Adaptation Technologies (EDSATs) can improve crop resilience to Extended Dry Spells (EDS). This study was aimed at determining the contribution of EDSATs to crop productivity in the Isingiro Town Council. An exploratory survey was conducted to collect data from 125 farmers. The selection of respondents was made through purposive and referral sampling methods. Key informant interviews were conducted with 05 Production Department staff. Data was analysed using Stata 14 to generate summary tables. Results revealed that the farmers’ priority crops are Bananas, beans and maize grown by 98.4%, 69.6% and 43.2% of the farmers, respectively. 99.2% of the farmers are aware that their technologies contribute to Extended Dry Spells Adaptation (EDSA). Weeding is done by 68.8%, 68.4% and 43% of Bananas, Beans and Maize farmers, respectively. Inter-crops of beans-bananas, maize-bananas and maize-beans are implemented by 16.8%, 5.6% and 3.2% of the farmers, respectively. Application of manure is implemented by 60%, 5.6% and 4.8% of the farmers for all crops. Mulching is done by 67.2% and 7.2% of the banana and beans farmers. Contributions of weeding bananas, beans and maize contribute 65.2%, 94% and 88.6%, respectively to productivity. Inter-crops of beans-bananas, maize-banana and maize-beans contribute 122%, 57.1% and 35% to improved beans, maize, and beans productivity, respectively. Factors challenging the implementation of the crop EDSATs include; farmers’ economic status, availability of extension services, farmer exposure and availability of inputs, among others. The sustainability of EDSATs is hindered by a lack of investment funds and lack of consistent technical support, among others. Therefore, there is a need for the formulation of policy provisions that favour the availability of credit facilities to all farmers to enable them to manage all the limiting factors to the implementation and sustainability of EDSATs.


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1 June, 2023
How to Cite
Emmanuel, B., Wycliff, T., & Goretty, N. (2023). Contribution of Dry Spell Adaptation Technologies to Crop Productivity in Isingiro Town Council, Isingiro District, Uganda. African Journal of Climate Change and Resource Sustainability, 2(1), 67-83.